River Piracy…Without the Skull and Crossbones
Kaskawulsh Glacier, Slims River, and Kaskawulsh(Alsek) River and Stream Piracy due to Glacial Melting Over the past century many of the glaciers in Alaska and Canada have retreated due to…
Kaskawulsh Glacier, Slims River, and Kaskawulsh(Alsek) River and Stream Piracy due to Glacial Melting Over the past century many of the glaciers in Alaska and Canada have retreated due to…
Salt Lake Warehouse One of the most common questions fielded by rafting guides is "What do you do in the offseason?" Â As everyone knows guides work really hard during the…
A few months ago while organizing and cleaning up some of our old gear we came across some "Colorado River &…
I took this photo in September of 2002 during a fall Colorado River & Trail Expeditions' Canyonlands Hiking trip. The trips guides were John Toner, myself(Walker Mackay), Chris Parks, and…
It was an exchange day. We had all awoken an hour pre-dawn, made coffee, packed bags, cooked breakfast, taken down the kitchen and bathroom and were loading the last pieces…
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Utah, in conjunction with the Green River Conservation District and Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (UDAF), will open the Green River Dam…
It can be hard to know what exactly our clients are thinking when shenanigans occur on a river tip. Except, perhaps, in this case. Here is CRATE passenger Art Hoover's colorful, ever-so-slightly…
Hello river enthusiasts! Here's my account of navigating the river during our last Grand Canyon motor trip after some wild weather produced one of the largest flash floods I've ever…
May 5, 2015 ...Ahh Shinumo Creek. It was starting to get a little later in the day than most trips stay on the water, but I have always like…
It is easy to see why working for Colorado River and Trail Expeditions is an ideal place to work. We are a family, where past and present crew members…
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