Run Wild! Run Rivers! Rafting Blog


John Wesley Powell’s Base of Operations: Kanab, Utah

John Wesley Powell’s River Trips John Wesley Powell made the first two organized river expeditions through the Grand Canyon.  The first expedition began at Green River, Wyoming, on the Green River.  The expedition followed the Green River through the canyons of Lodore, Desolation, Labyrinth, and Stillwater before joining the Colorado

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Grand Canyon History

The Man Who Walked Through Time

Friday at the Historic Book Library #3 #1 In and Around the Grand Canyon by George Wharton James #2 Grand Canyon Treks by Harvey Butchart The Man Who Walked Through Time by Colin Fletcher The Book: The Man Who Walked Through Time was published in 1968 by Alfred A. Knopf, inc of

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Colorado River Rafting

Best Photography Locations in the Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon Inspires Photography  Photography captures a moment in time that can’t be repeated.  The Grand Canyon has been captured by the imagination of humans for thousands of years, and by photographers ever since the invention of the camera.  The Kolb Brothers became the first resident photographers of Grand

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Grand Canyon History

Grand Canyon Treks

Friday at the Historic Book Library #2 #1 In and Around the Grand Canyon by George Wharton James #3 The Man Who Walked Through Time by Colin Fletcher Grand Canyon Treks by Harvey Butchart The Book: Grand Canyon Treks was published in 1970 by La Siesta Press of Glendale, California. 

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Grand Canyon

Insiders Look at the Waterfalls of Grand Canyon

It would take multiple lifetimes to explore and see all that the Grand Canyon has to offer.  It is truly a national treasure and as Buzz Holmstrom once said “anyone who it allows to go through its canyons and see its wonders should feel thankful and privileged.”  Below is a

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Grand Canyon History

In and Around The Grand Canyon

Friday at the Historic Book Library #1 In and Around the Grand Canyon-By George Wharton James The Book: In and Around the Grand Canyon was published in 1900 by the Little Brown & Company of Boston.  The book contains over 100 historic photographs or “illustrations.”  The book details James travels

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Grand Canyon

Five Fabulous Ways to Take Vacations in Grand Canyon

#1- Take a Vacation Rafting the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon A rafting vacation along the Colorado River through Grand Canyon is our specialty.  There is no better way to see the entire Grand Canyon than by raft.  The Colorado River travels 278 miles through the Grand Canyon.  Along the Colorado

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Grand Canyon

How Big is the Grand Canyon?

The Grand Canyon is massive.  It was formed over millions of years by geologic processes including deposition, uplift, downcutting, and erosion. Today the Grand Canyon covers 1902 square miles in area.  The state of Rhode Island is only 1212 square miles in size. The Colorado River flows 277 miles through Grand

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